This project was financed by the “Italian-German Fund for the Future”, set up by the Federal Republic of Germany and co-financed by the Unione dei Comuni Montani del Casentino.

Conceived and directed by Pier Angelo Bonazzoli


To all the women and men who have entrusted us with their memories and precious testimonies.

The photographs used in this site are by Alessandro Bargellini.

The historical research and the texts of the notes are by Luca Grisolini.

The Foundation of the Associazione Nazionale fra Mutilati ed Invalidi di Guerra (National Association of War Disabled), which conceived and supervises the Pietre della Memoria (Stones of Memory) project provided us with much of the information we have used in the sections entitled Memorials.

Alessandro Bargellini provided us with the photographs and texts used in the Memorials sections, together with The Mazzatinti High School of Gubbio, the Dovizi Comprehensive School of Bibbiena, the Esploratori Toscana, and Giovanni Baldini,.

The Associazione Nazionale Combattenti e Reduci (National Association of Fighters and Veterans), Poppi Section, granted us permission to use the text published in the section Our History. It was written by Alessandro Brezzi, who would certainly have appreciated this project.

Andrea Rossi was responsible for identifying and locating the sites subjected to nazi-fascist massacres.

All the videos on this website are the property of the Archivio Banca della Memoria del Casentino dell’Unione dei Comuni Montani del Casentino and were filmed at different times by: Mario Spiganti, Daniela Bartolini, Sergio Spiganti, Sergio Boschi and Pier Angelo Bonazzoli. Simone Duranti was responsible for historical research and interviews in some sections.

The graphics are by D.B. Grafica of Daniele Bartolini.

The German translations are by Ute Klockner, the English translations by Bill Dodd.

This undertaking was also made possible thanks to Antonia Weber, Daniela Nocentini, Maria Teresa Burchini, Eleonora Ducci, Erica Italiani, Floriana Pagano, Daniela Volpi, Claudia De Venuto, Roberto Brezzi, Andrea Cenni, Luca Panoni, Maurizio Coda, Cesare Baccheschi, Leonardo Ferri and Loredano Frittelli.